Syllabi Fall 2024 BIB_1001-1-2_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-5_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-6_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-7_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-3_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-4_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-5_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-6_New_Testament_History_and_Religion- BIB_1002-7_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002 8_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_4001 Jesus_and_the_Gospels_Four_Portraits_of_One_Christ BIB_4055_Old_Testament_Pentateuch BIB_4090_Readings_in_Biblical_Hebrew BIB_6037_Interpreting_Christian_Scripture BST_3004_Biblical_Perspectives BST_3004_Biblical_Perspectives BST_3004-1_Biblical_Perspectives BST_3004-2_Biblical_Perspectives CHU_3095-2_The_Christian_Tradition CMI_1020_Imagining_Ministry CMI_1065_Faith_Formation_and_Community CMI_3025_Christian_Care_of_Souls CMI_3040_Foundations_for_the_Practice_of_Youth_Ministry GRK_2007 Biblical_Greek_I HON_1002_Introduction_to_Philosophy HON_2002_New_Testament_History_and_Religion HON_3010_Christianity_in_Global_Perspective HON_3050_Humanities_Honors_Integrative_Semester PHL_2001-3 Introduction_to_Philosophy PHL_2001-4 Introduction_to_Philosophy THE_3005_Christian_Faith_and_the_Natural_Sciences THE_3060-1_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3060-2-3_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3070-Global_Christianity Summer 2024 BIB_1001-1_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-2_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002_1_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BST_1001-1_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BST_1001-2_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BST_3004_Biblical_Perspectives BST_3004_Biblical_Perspectives CMI_4050_1_Internship PHL_2011_1_Ethics THE_3005_1_Christian_Faith_and_the_Natural_Sciences THE_3070_1_Global_Christianity Spring 2024 BIB_1001_1_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001_2_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001_3_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion 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CMI_3060_Teaching_for_Christian_Discipleship CMI_4020_Compassionate_Ministry_in_Local_Context GRK_2008_Biblical_Greek_II HEB_2006_Biblical_Hebrew_II HON_1002_Introduction_to_Philosophy HON_3010_Global_Christianity HON_4098_4099_Honors_Scholars PHL_2001_1_Introduction_to_Philosophy PHL_2001_2_Introduction_to_Philosophy PHL_2001_3_Introduction_to_Philosophy PHL_2001_4_Introduction_to_Philosophy PHL_2011_1_Ethics PHL_2011_2_Ethics PHL_2011_3_Ethics PHL_3050_God_and_Philosophy PHL_3081_Ethics_Responsibility_and_Love PHL_4001_4090_Contemporary_Voices_in_Philosophy_Special_Studies_in_Philosophy THE_2050_Introduction_to_Christian_Theology THE_3005_Christian_Faith_and_the_Natural_Sciences THE_3060_1_Christian_Life_as_Vocation_ THE_3060_2_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3060_3_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3070_1_Global_Christianity THE_3070_2_Global_Christianity THE_4095_Justice_in_the_Church Fall 2023 BIB_1002-1_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-9_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_3065_Apocalyptic_Literature_Daniel_Revelation_and_Their_Interpretation BIB_4045_Old_Testament_in_Movies BIB_6035-1_Christian_Scripture CHU_3095-1_The_Christian_Tradition CHU_3095-2_The_Christian_Tradition CHU_3095-3_The_Christian_Tradition CMI_1020_Imagining_Ministry CMI_4010_Leading_in_Ministry CMI_1065_Faith_Formation_and_Community CMI_6062_Leadership_and_Ministry GRK_2007-1_Biblical_Greek-I HEB_2005_Biblical_Hebrew_I PHL_2011-1_Ethics PHL_2011-2_Ethics PHL_2011-3_Ethics PHL_2011-4_Ethics PHL_3021_Justice_Politics_and_the_Social_World THE_3005_Christian_Faith_and_the_Natural_Sciences THE_3040_Theology_of_Christian_Care THE_3060_1_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3060-2_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3060-3_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3070-1_Global_Christianity THE_4025_PHL4025_MLK_Jr_and_Theological_Ethics Fall 2022 BIB_1001-2_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-5_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-6_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-7_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-11_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-1_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-2_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_4001_Jesus_and_the_Gospels BIB_4013_Old_Testament_Torah CHU_3095-1_The_Christian_Tradition CHU_3095-2_The_Christian_Tradition GRK_2007-1_Biblical_Greek PHL_2011-2_Ethics PHL_2011-3_Ethics THE_3005_Christianity_and_the_Natural_Sciences THE_3030_Christ_and_the_Church THE_3070_Global_Christianity Spring 2022 BIB_1001-1-4_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-2_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-5_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-6_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-7_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-8_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1001-9_Old_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-1_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-2_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-4_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-5-7-10_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-6_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_1002-8_New_Testament_History_and_Religion BIB_4014_Old_Testament_Prophets_and_the_Holy_Imagination CHU_3095-1_The_Christian_Tradition CHU_3095-2_The_Christian_Tradition CMI_4020_Compassionate_Ministry_in_Local_Context GRK_2008_Biblical_Greek_II HEB_2006_Biblical_Hebrew_II PHL_2001-4_Introduction_to_Philosophy PHL_2011-1_Ethics PHL_2011-3_Ethics PHL_2011-4_Ethics THE_2050_Introduction_to_Christian_Theology THE_3005_Christian_Faith_and_the_Natural_Sciences THE_3060-1_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3060-2_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3060-3_Christian_Life_as_Vocation THE_3070_Global_Christianity Archives 2020 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 2, 4 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 8 CHU 3040 Women and the Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 3040 Women and the Christian Tradition Sec 2 CHU 3095 Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 3095 Christian Tradition Sec 2 HEB 2006 Biblical Hebrew II Sec 1 HON 1001 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 1 GRK 2008 Biblical Greek II Sec 1 GRK 2008 Biblical Greek II Sec 2 PHL 2001 Intro to Philosophy Sec 4 PHL 2011 Ethics Sec 1 PHL 2011 Ethics Sec 3 PHL 3081 Ethics, Responsibility, and Love Sec 1 PHL 4001 Contemporary Voices in Philosophy, Theology and Ethics Sec 1 THE 2050 Introduction to Christian Theology Sec 1 THE 3005 Theology and the Natural Sciences Sec 1 THE 3060 Christian Life as Vocation Sec 1 THE 3060 Christian Life as Vocation Sec 2 THE 4090 Martin Luther King, Jr. and Theological Ethics Sec 1 THE 4095 Justice in the Church : Gender, Households, and Unity in the Body of Christ 2019 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 8 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 9 BIB 1001 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 10 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 8 BIB 1002 New Testament History and Religion Sec 9 BIB 2040 Reading Scripture Faithfully Sec 1 BIB 3014 Old Testament Prophets and the Holy Imagination Sec 1 BIB 3035 New Testament Books and Early Churches Sec 1 CHU 3040 Women in the Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 3095 The Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 3095 The Christian Tradition Sec 2 CMI 1055 Christian Formation and Ministry Sec 1 CMI 4010 Leading in Ministry Sec 1 CMI 4025 Youth and Family Ministry Sec 1 GRK 2007 Biblical Greek I Sec 1 HEB 2005 Biblical Hebrew I Sec 1 PHL 2011 Ethics Sec 1 PHL 2011 Ethics Sec 3 THE 3005 Theology and the Natural Sciences Sec 1 THE 3025 The Human Person and Theology Sec 1 THE 3060 Christian Life as Vocation Sec 1 THE 3060 Christian Life as Vocation Sec 2 THE 3070 Global Christianity Sec 2 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 8 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 6 Bib 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 8 BIB 302 The Letters of Paul Sec 1 BIB 413 Old Testament Torah Sec 1 BIB 495 Seminar in Biblical Literature Sec 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 2 CHU 395 Christian Tradition Sec 3 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 4 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 5 CMI 300 Teaching and Preaching the Bible Sec 1 GRK 208 Biblical Greek II Sec 1 HEB 206 Hebrew II Sec 1 HON 102 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 1 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 1 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 2 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 3 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 4 PHL 211 Ethics Sec 1 PHL 211 Ethics Sec 2 PHL 250 God and Philosophy Sec 1 PHL 302 Descartes through Hegel Sec 1 PHL 381 Ethics, Responsibility, and Love Sec 1 THE 250 Introduction to Christian Theology Sec 1 THE 306 Life of Holiness Sec 1 THE 306 Life of Holiness Sec 2 THE 306 Life of Holiness Sec 4 THE 306 Life of Holiness Sec 5 THE 320 The World’s Faith Traditions Sec 1 THE 410 The Ministry and Sermons of John Wesley Sec 1 THE 490 The Ministry and Sermons of John Wesley Sec 1 THE 495 Justice in the Church: Gender, Households, & Unity in the Body of Christ Sec 1 2018 and Earlier BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 8 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 9 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 10 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 102 new Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 240 Reading Scripture Faithfully Sec 1 BIB 378 Old Testament Psalms and Wisdom Sec 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 3 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 4 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition: Community Classroom Sec 5 CMI 155 Christian Formation and Ministry: Community Classroom Sec 1 CMI 325 Christian Care of Souls Sec 1 CMI 340 Foundations for the Practice of Sec 1 CMI 400 The Christian Gathering Sec 1 GRK 207 Biblical Greek I Sec 1 HEB 205 Biblical Hebrew I Sec 1 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 1 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 2 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 3 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 4 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 5 PHL 211 Ethics Sec 1 PHL 301 Plato and Aristotle Sec 1 PHL 371 Education and the Ethical Life Sec 1 PHL 490 Special Studies in Philosophy: Advanced Studies in Logic Sec 1 THE 305 Christian Faith and the Natural Sciences THE 306 The Life of Holiness Sec 1 THE 306 The Life of Holiness Sec 2 THE 306 The Life of Holiness Sec 3 THE306 The Life of Holiness Sec 4 THE 330 Christ and the Church Sec 1 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 8 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 4 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 301 Jesus and the Gospels Sec 1 BIB 410 Biblical Theology Sec 1 BIB 490 Readings in Greek Sec 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 2 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 3 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 4 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 5 CMI 300 Teaching and Preaching the Bible Sec 1 CMI 490 Reading Henri Nouwen Sec 1 HEB 206 Biblical Hebrew II Sec 1 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 3 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 4 PHL 211 Ethics Sec 2 PHL 381 Ethics, Responsibility and Love Sec 1 PHL 401 Contemporary Voices in Philosophy, Theology and Ethics Sec 1 THE 250 Introduction in Christian Theology Sec 1 THE 306 Life of Holiness Sec 1 THE 306 Life of Holiness Sec 3 HE 495 Justice in the Church Sec 1 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 5 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 1 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 2 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 3 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 6 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Sec 7 BIB 240 Reading Scripture Faithfully BIB 314 Old Testament Prophets and the Holy Imagination CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Sec 2 CMI 155 Christian Formation and Ministry CMI 410 Leading in Ministry CMI 425 Youth and Family Ministry THE 306 The Life of Holiness Sec 1 THE 306 The Life of Holiness Sec 2 THE 306 The Life of Holiness Sec 3 THE 325 The Human Person and Theology PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Sec 3 PHL 211 Ethics Sec 1 PHL 321 Justice, Politics and Theology PHL 331 Existential Philosophy and Literature GRK 207 Biblical Greek I HEB 205 Biblical Hebrew I BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 1 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 2 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 3 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 4 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 5 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 6 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 7 BIB 101 Old Testament History and Religion Section 8 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 1 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 2 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 3 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 4 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 5 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 6 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 7 BIB 102 New Testament History and Religion Section 8 BIB 240 Interpreting the Bible BIB 301 Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels BIB 302 Early Christianity in Paul’s Churches BIB 305 Luke-Acts BIB 307 Biblical Theology BIB 314 The Old Testament Prophets BIB 403 Johannine Literature BIB 413 Old Testament Narrative and Law BIB 495 Seminar in Biblical Literature – Ezekiel BLA 205 Essentials of Hebrew I BLA 206 Essentials of Hebrew II BLA 207 Essentials of Greek I BLA 208 Essentials of Greek II BLA 337 Exegesis of Greek New Testament I BLA 490 Special Studies in Biblical Languages CHU 104 New Church History and Polity CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Section 1 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Section 2 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Section 3 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Section 4 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Section 5 CHU 395 The Christian Tradition Section 6 CMI 150 Intro to Ministry CMI 200 Christian Education of Children CMI 210 Introduction to Youth Ministry CMI 220 Youth Ministry in Contemporary Culture CMI 300 Introduction to Preaching CMI 320 Administration & Leadership CMI 330 Pastoral Care and Counseling CMI 350 Evangelism and Cross-Cultural Ministry CMI 387 Christian Ministry Internship CMI 400 Christian Worship CMI 490 Liturgy- Word, Form and Function HON 100 Introduction to Christian Scholarship PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Section 1 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Section 2 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Section 3 PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Section 4 PHL 211 Ethics Section 1 PHL 211 Ethics Section 2 PHL 211 Ethics Section 3 PHL 277 Logic PHL 301 History of Philosophy I PHL 302 History of Western Philosophy II PHL 303 History of Western Philosophy III PHL 304 and PHL 490 History of Philosophy IV PHL321 Social Philosophy PHL331 Existential Philosophy and Literature PHL 341 Philosophy of Art PHL 351 Asian Philosophies and Religions PHL 371 Philosophy and Education PHL 381 Ethics, Responsibility and Love PHL 411 Being and Truth PHL 451 Philosophy of Science PHL 490 and PHL 304 History of Philosophy IV THE 250 Foundations of Christian Thought I THE 306 Life of Holiness Section 2 THE 306 Life of Holiness Section 3 THE 310 Women in Christianity THE 350 Foundations of Christian Theology II THE 405 Doctrine of Holiness